Drug Discovery to Preclinical Development

Drug Discovery to Preclinical Development

  • Medicinal Chemistry
    • Drug design(CADD and SBDD)
    • Structure Activity Relationship (SAR)
    • Structure Property Relationship (SPR)
    • Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)
  • ADME / Pharmacokinetics (PK)
    • ADME
      • Basic concepts of Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Elimination (ADME) of a drug molecule in connection with physico-chemical properties
      • Biochemical interaction
      • Animal and human physiology
      • Mechanistic organic chemistry
      • Metabolite identification
    • Pharmacokinetics (PK)
      • Basic principles of kinetics and what body does to the drug and how drug gets around and out of the body
      • Familiarity with basic PK parameters and their significance in drug discovery and development
      • Data plotting
  • Formulation
    • Concepts of basic physico-chemical parameters and significance of early formulation in drug discovery
  • Anti-infectives
    • Antimicrobial targets
    • Unmet medical need
    • Antibacterial spectrum
    • In vitro preclinical studies: Susceptibility profiling (MIC), Frequency of Resistance (FOR), combination studies, Mutation Prevention Concentration (MPC) studies, Post Antibiotic Effects (PAE)
    • Different in vivo models and PK/PD
  • Safety
    • In vitro toxicity: Ames mutagenicity assay, IVMN, hERG, chromosomal aberrations
    • In vivo toxicity: Rabbit purkinjee fiber, 4/7/14/28 day toxicity in rodents and non-rodents followed by histopathalogy, dog telemetry
    • Reproductive toxicity