In-vivo ADME

  • Drug Discovery
    • Devise plans and strategies for optimized screening paradigms
  • Pharmacokinetic (PK) / Toxicokinetic (TK)
    • Protocol generation for in vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies
    • Data analysis and interpretation
    • Margin of Efficacy (MoE)
    • Toxicity enabling studies
  • Support for PD studies
    • Recommendations of dose selection for PD studies
    • Frequency of dosing
    • Integration between PK and efficacy 
  • In vivo DDI
    • Provide advice on the interpretation of preclinical DDI studies
  • Modeling and Simulation
    • Non-compartmental and compartmental PK/PD modeling and analysis
  • Predictive assessment
    • Prediction of urine and tissue PK profile of test compound
    • Human clinical dose estimation
  • Regulatory submissions
    • Pharmacokinetic & Toxicokinetic sections of IND and investigator brochures
  • Reviews
    • Data, documents, protocols, report and scientific literature

Preclinical model based drug development

A model-based approach to predict the pharmacokinetic profile of a drug in humans prior to the first human exposure by utilizing available in vitro and/or in vivo data.  These early predictions about clinical efficacious dose and plasma / urine profile in human, illuminate drug development strategies and improve decision-making.